Went to watch Spider Man: No Way Home this afternoon.

As a Spider Man fan, I got really excited and it was AMAZING. Still cannot believe this is a real movie and feeling so thankful for making this happen. I won’t say that much but I would recommend watching the Spider Man series, the Amazing Spider Man series, and the Marvel Studio’s Spider Man series before watching the latest film.

2.5 hour movie was quite long but it’s worth watching. Believe me.

Loved the acting, story, characters… actually everything.

After the movie, I went to Hysan Place at Causeway Bay to take some pictures of Spider Man. The exhibition here of Spider Man: No Way Home is scheduled to be displayed until January 2nd, 2022.

Spider Man everywhere.

Tried to cool down myself eating ramen and boba milk tea at Chung Shui Tang at Hysan Place but didn’t work. Love you friendly neighborhood Spider Man!

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